상세 컨텐츠

본문 제목

Loop System (부식시험기)

카테고리 없음

by suflux 2014. 4. 4. 11:46


Loop System (부식시험기, 부식시험, CorrosionTester, CorrosionTestAutoclave, ASME, 오토클레이브, 금속부식, 수소약화)


장비 구성
Equipments - Reservoir tanks
- Pumps (Feed & Circulation)
- Accumulator
- Heat exchanger
- Pre-heater
- Etc
Instruments - 각종 계측기 (온도, 압력)
- V.F.T. 및 압력 조절 장치
- 관련 주변 부품 일체
Structure - Frame for equipments & Instruments
Test Conditions - Pressure : up to 6,000psi
- Temperature : up to 600℃
- Circulation Flow : up to 200ml/min
Options ⓐ Water quality sensor & monitor (PH/DO/CON/DH)
ⓑ Control
  - DAQ System
  - Control System
ⓒ High Pressure Circulation Pump

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