본 연구에서는 난류역 완전방해판 조건하의 교반소요동력을 기왕의 연구자의 결과와 본 실험결과와의 비교, 검토를 행하였으며 양호한 동력상관식을 제시한다.
N_p=7.09(n_p)^(0.7)(b/d)(H/D)^(0.18) n_p^(0.7)(b/d)<1
N_p=7.09{(n_p)^(0.7)(b/d)}^(0.7)(H/D)^(0.18) n_p^(0.7)(b/d)≥1
또한 교반 impeller 부착위치에 따른 동력수의 추산식을 제시한다.
N_(p(min))=N_(p(max))-2.47n_p^(1.32)(b/d)^(1.71) n_p^(1.32)(b/d)^(1.71)≤2.87
N_(p(min))=N_(p(max))-7.06 n_p^(1.32)(b/d)^(1.71)>2.87
In the present study, power input in the totally baffled agitated vessels was compared systematically in connection with several previous studies and adequate power input correlation was found to be:
N_p=7.09(n_p)^(0.7)(b/d)(H/D)^(0.18) for n_p^(0.7)(b/d)<1
N_p=7.09{(n_p)^(0.7)(b/d)}^(0.7)(H/D)^(0.18) for n_p^(0.7)(b/d)≥1
Power number correlation was also formulated experimentally, which was dependent upon the position of the impeller in the stirred vessels, as follows:
N_(p(min))=N_(p(max))-2.47n_p^(1.32)(b/d)^(1.71)for n_p^(1.32)(b/d)^(1.71)≤2.87
N_(p(min))=N_(p(max))-7.06 for n_p^(1.32)(b/d)^(1.71)>2.87
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