두부의 부산물인 비지를 이용하여 식이섬유가 강화된 식빵을 개발하기 위해 HPH 처리를 하고 혼합디자인을 이용한 식빵 최적배합비를 산출하였다. HPH 처리의 결과 압력과 pass의 횟수가 증가함에 따라 수용성 식이섬유함량, 분산안정도, 수분흡착지수가 증가하며 입자 크기는 감소하는 경향을 보였다. 이 결과에서 HPH를 25,000 psi에서 2 pass 처리한 비지 paste를 첨가하여 식빵의 최적배합비를 도출하였다. 최적배합비를 결정하는 주요종속변수로 빵의 밀도, hardness, 기호도로 잡았다. 기호도를 최대로 예측하여 목적범위를 설정하였고, 밀도와 hardness는 최소의 범위를 설정하였다. 그 결과 예상 최적배합비는 밀가루함량 94.2%, 비지함량 5.8%이었고, 이 배합비에 따른 종속변수 값은 hardness 39.22 N, 밀도 0.403 mL/g, 전체적인 기호도 5.796으로 분석되었다.
The effects of pressure and number of passes upon Biji paste properties using a high-pressure homogenizer (HPH) were investigated. A hydrocolloid of Biji was processed with a HPH at 15,000 or 25,000 psi and with 1 or 2 passes. The hydrocolloid was assessed for dietary fiber, protein, sugar content, water absorption index (WAI), water solubility index (WSI), rheological character, and distribution stability. As pass number and pressure increased, soluble dietary fiber, sugar content, WAI, and distribution stability also increased, whereas particle size decreased. As a result, processing at 25,000 psi and 2 passes is considered as a proper treatment for processing quality. In bread making with HPH treated Biji, volume, hardness, and cohesiveness of bread increased, while density decreased. The optimum processing condition for bread with HPH treated Biji was determined by a design expert program. Nine experimental points were selected, and wheat flour (91-95%) and HPH Biji (5-9%) were chosen as the independent variables. The optimum formulation of bread using the numerical analysis was set at 94.2% wheat flour and 5.8% HPH Biji with a 0.725 desirability value.
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