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[논문자료] 수압음향방출에 의한 복합재 압력용기의 파괴거동 예측에 관한 연구


by suflux 2021. 6. 9. 08:41


출처: 픽사베이


수압음향방출에 의한 복합재 압력용기의 파괴거동 예측에 관한 연구


Prediction of failure behavior in filament-wound composite pressure vessels is one of the important issues for the reliable application of vessels. For verifying the structural integrity of composite pressure vessels, hydroproof testing is currently used. But unfortunately this approach has not always been successful, since the hydroproof pressurization often bring unexpected damages to the vessels. Thus there is very strong needs for developing robust approaches which can evaluate the structural integrity of the pressure vessels not only considering defects existed before the hydroproof testing but also considering damages introduced during hydroproof testing. Acoustic emission during the hydroproof testing can certainly be a viable method for solving this problem Based on the hydroproof acoustic emission, failure sites including final burst sites can be located very successfully. The identification of the failure modes is partially possible by using the distribution of AE amplitude. Due to the limitation in the number of samples, it is really hard to predict the final burst pressure of the vessels and the effect of impact damage on the final burst pressure.


출처: https://scienceon.kisti.re.kr/srch/selectPORSrchArticle.do?cn=DIKO0006518452


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수압음향방출에 의한 복합재 압력용기의 파괴거동 예측에 관한 연구




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