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[논문자료]항공기용 복합재 부품성형을 위한 금형선택에 관한 연구


by suflux 2021. 7. 12. 13:06


출처: 픽사베이


항공기용 복합재 부품성형을 위한 금형선택에 관한 연구


Aircraft composite materials has its own characteristics, so its thermal expansion is different each other. The selection of tool material for aircraft composite part, cured in high temperature more over 350℉ and 50 Psi pressure Autoclave, have to consider part thermal expansion, size, shape, and economic aspect in production line. So it is important choose tooling material in manufacturing composite parts. We called the tool for airplane composite parts as BAJ (Bonding Assembly Jig). Composite parts are cured on the BAJ in autoclave. BAJ have to stable at high temperature over 350℉ and 50 Psi pressure, Considering composite part's dimensional tolerance compare to heat up in autoclave. This paper come from the result of the experiment at the composite parts production line and review other aircraft company's method for tooling. This is for the engineer engaged in composite parts manufacturing.


출처: https://scienceon.kisti.re.kr/srch/selectPORSrchArticle.do?cn=DIKO0009596022


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항공기용 복합재 부품성형을 위한 금형선택에 관한 연구




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