Abstract 고추 oleoresin 제조시 고추 주요성분인 capsaicinoids와 carotenoids 농축 분획을 제조하기 위한 초임계 유체 추출 조건을 조사하였다. 초임계추출 온도 (35, 45 and 55 ℃) 및 압력 (13.8, 20.7, 31.0, 41.4 and 51.7 MPa) 조건별 oleoresin의 추출을 실시한 결과 초임계 추출 온도와 압력이 높을수록 추출 수율이 높게 나타났다. 또한 고춧가루 및 초임계 추출물의 ASTA값과 CU와 같은 color intensity values도 온도와 압력이 높을수록 증가함을 확인하였다. 추출물의 capsaicinoids의 경우 초임계 추출 온도에 크게 영향받지 않고 추출압력에 의존하여 증가함을 보이지만 회수율에서는 추출조건에 상관없이 유사한 경향을 나타내었다. Carotenoids의 경우에는 온도와 압력 두 가지 모두에 의존적으로 증가하였다. 추출물의 물질전달계수는 밀도와 압력에 의존하여 크게 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 초임계 추출 시 낮은 온도와 압력인 35℃, 13.8 MPa에서 3% 추출하여 capsaicinoids 농축분획(F1)을 제조하였고, carotenoids 농축분획(F3)의 성분을 농축시키기 위하여 35℃, 20.7 MPa에서 5 % 추출하여 잔존 capsaicinoisd를 제거하고 carotenoids 함량이 가장 낮은 분획(F2)을 제조하였으며, 색소성분이 가장 많이 추출되는 조건인 55℃, 51.7 MPa에서 3% 추출함으로써 carotenoids 농축 분획(F3)을 제조할 수 있었다. F1, F2 및 F3가 3T3-L1 전지방세포의 지방세포로의 분화를억제하는 과정을 확인하기 위하여 Oil red O, triglyceride, PPAR-γ를 측정하여 capsaicinois 농축분획(F1)의 항비만활성을 확인하였다. F1, F2 및 F3의 linoleic acid와 ß-carotene의 coupled oxidation에 대한 항산화 분석 결과 carotenoids 농축분획(F3)의 항산화력이 우수함을 확인할 수 있었다.
ABSTRACT The optimum conditions for manufacture of capsaicinoids and carotenoids concentrated fractions, the main components of red pepper, by supercritical fluid extraction was investigated. Supercritical fluid extraction of red pepper was carried out with different temperature (35, 45 and 55℃) and pressure (13.8, 20.7, 31.0, 41.4 and 51.7 MPa) conditions. The extraction yield of extracts was increased with increase of extraction temperature and pressure. Color intensity values such as ASTA and CU of red pepper and its supercritical fluid extracts also was increased with increase of extraction temperature and pressure. Capsaicinoids content of extracts relied on extraction pressure rather than extraction temperature significantly. Recovery(%) of capsaicinoids in extracts showed similar tendency regardless of extraction conditions. Carotenoids content of extracts was increased with increase of extraction temperature and pressure. Capsaicinoids concentrated fraction(F1) was manufactured by supercritical fluid extraction to 3% yield at 35℃ and 13.8 MPa. After the F1 extraction, middle extract(F2) was manufactured by extraction to 5% yield at 35℃ and 20.7 MPa in order to concentrate corotenoids and remove capsaicinoid from residue. Carotenoids concentrated fraction(F3) with high pigment content was manufactured by extraction to 3% yield at 55℃ and 51.7 MPa. Inhibitory effect of F1, F2, and F3 on adipocyte differentiation in 3T3-L1 was investigated by analysis of Oil red O, triglyceride, and PPAR-γ. It was revealed that F1 inhibited adipocyte differentiation by blocking PPAR-γ expression in 3T3-L1 cells, resulting in reduced lipid accumulation. Antioxidant effect of F1, F2, and F3 was measured using linoleic acid-β-carotene coupled oxidation method, and F3 showed the highest antioxidant effect.
출처: https://scienceon.kisti.re.kr/srch/selectPORSrchArticle.do?cn=DIKO0013063456
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