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[논문자료]원자력 발전소 배관 부식에 대한 개선방안 연구


by suflux 2021. 9. 8. 08:53


출처: 픽사베이


원자력 발전소 배관 부식에 대한 개선방안 연구


본 연구는 배관의 부식에 영향을 미치는 요인 중 크롬이 함유된 금속의 내 부식 특성을 고려한 배관의 내부식성 개선방안을 제시한 것이다.

원자력 발전소 배관 부위 중 가장 취약할 수 있는 이종금속간의 용접부위에 대한 용접성 검증이 요구되므로 ASME Code에 의한 기계적 시험을 실시하였다.

용접성의 검증을 위해 동종금속간의 용접시편과 이종금속간의 용접시편을 대조군과 실험군의 2종으로 제작하여 인장시험을 실시하고 시험 데이터를 비교한 후 실험군에 한하여 굽힘시험을 추가적으로 실시하였다.

그 결과 실험군의 용접 시편이 요구되는 강도를 만족하였고 굽힘시험 시 용접 부위에 균열이 생기지 않아 용접성의 검증 조건을 만족하였으므로 탄소강의 부식부위를 크롬강 계통의 재질로 교체할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.

더불어 이종금속 접합 시 발생할 수 있는 이종금속 접촉부식(Galvanic corrosion)에 대한 방지 대책도 병행하여야 한다.


There have been a lot of talks about possibility of building new nuclear power plants throughout the world given the fact that the electricity demand is going to boost more and more rapidly and the nuclear power is the cleanest and most efficient energy source. However, its safety is still questionable and the use of radioactive materials as fuel during the operation stage has to be reviewed carefully and continuously.

Due to the fact that the nuclear power plants comprise of numerous pipes connected to each other which are easy to rust out and the corrosion can lead to explosion of pipes that usually happens in all of a sudden with no specific signs appearing in advance, it is necessary to locate the corrosive parts to replace the pipes for which a considerable amount of cost and human resources requires to be allocated.

Through the researches done so far most of factors causing this kind of corrosion have been discovered and one of them proved that the steel made up of chrome is more resistant to the corrosion. The report, based on this, suggests a new way to improve this situation.

If the pipes containing carbon can be replaced by those steel pipes containing chrome, the corrosion could reduce and the term for replacing them can get longer. In other words, the operation would turn out more economic and safe. But in order to check on the welding points between two different types of steel, it was a priority to carry out a mechanical test in accordance with ASME code.

As a result, the welding points between two different steels are as safe as that between the same steel and there is no problem expected.

On the other hand, it is important to figure out a solution for any possible galvanic corrosion on two different steels being welded.


출처: http://www.riss.kr/search/detail/DetailView.do?p_mat_type=be54d9b8bc7cdb09&control_no=2f466e343f06e0beffe0bdc3ef48d419&outLink=K


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