In order to compare characteristics of a flow of water filled in a tank according to various conditions, mixing characteristics of an impeller for three different geometric cases of impeller tanks have been studied. Initially, several conditions such as the shape of tank, position of impeller, and Reynolds number were fixed. With these fixed conditions, characteristic of a flow and the efficiency of an impeller with varying diameters were observed. After some results had been found for single-phase flow, a solution of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) was added in a tank that was already filled with water so as to find another result. When the fluid was single phase in the CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) analysis program, velocity field under flow surfaces and contours were observed using not only MRF analysis technique but also unsteady flows using the sliding mesh technique; moreover, a power number and a pumping number were measured which means the efficiency of an impeller. In the case of multi-phase analysis, the sliding mesh was used, VOF (Volume of Fluid) in order to take into account an unsteady flows. As a result of this study, some significant consequences compared to the velocity field and volume fraction according to different shapes of an impeller in time were found out.
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